Addressing the ongoing challenges NHS Trusts and hospitals continue to face for both Clinical and Non-Clinical space
Many Trusts have behaviours which restrict the utilisation of their assets and maximising clinic space. Clinstate is here to address this in a digital transformation for Trusts.
We understand that Trusts are not in a position to view how space is currently utilised from a clinical service perspective We recognise that it is very fragmented and always under-utilised
The fragmentation in terms of estate occupancy by varying clinical services has occurred organically over many years in terms of occupation and service flow.

CliniState was created by those who had first-hand experience of space constraints in a clinical setting. Witnessing the frustration of stakeholders in a Trust/Hospital who are unable to get utilisation stats of estate occupancy and at what cost by clinical specialism across the property portfolio.
Trusts have largely operated on a first come, first serve basis in terms of allocation and occupying the clinical estate. CliniState brings to life the allocation and visibility of the occupation, with drill down analysis, by specialism, by clinical strategy, by target (RTT, CQUINN, TWR etc), and more.
CliniState brings clinicians and estate together in synergy, ensuring maximum utilisation of the estate , with a focus on clinical priorities within the Trust/Hospital.
Take a look at our release features enabling you to maximise the utilisation of clinical space

Estate Management
Estate Build, Configuration
& Management

Software as a Service based so you don’t have to worry about maintaining it, we do the hard work keeping you safe and secure

Minute allocation
Allocate and manage your clinics by
the minute rather than
AM/PM session based

Cost Control
Focus on costs by getting visibility of estate costs by clinic utilisation, by specialism

Clinically Safe
Clinical Compliance module makes sure your room allocation runs safe clinics by specialism, standards based

Approval workflow
Take control of estate
usage by implementing an approval hierarchy

Rich Insights
Reporting and management
information that matters for estate and service management staff

Gives you at a glance real
time visibility of clinic
usage, by clinic specialism,by estate to DDO, Service Managers and more

PAS/EPR Integrations
We can integrate with core PAS Systems (Cerner, EPIC, Trakcare, Patientsource etc) to gather clinic data (anonymised from a
patient perspective)

Target Focus
Identify clinical priorities
over estate utilisation, for
instance RTT, CQUINN,
TWR etc
To request a demonstration or for any queries about CliniState please complete the form below, providing as much detail as possible.
Head Office
Ascent Solutions Limited
Oxford House
Northampton NN1 5PN, United Kingdom
Tel: 01604 211383
For support service please email: support@clinistate.co.uk
To arrange a meeting or for other information, please email info@clinistate.com